Can my employer make me sign a performance review?
Probably. I see it all the time: employees who refuse to sign performance appraisals because they disagree with the rating. Usually, the employer writes “employee refused to sign.” Many times, the form is clear that signing simply acknowledges receipt, not necessarily that the employee agrees.
Refusing to sign a performance review could be construed by the employer as insubordination or generally an uncooperative attitude. Of course, because employment in Connecticut is “at will”, employers can fire employees for being uncooperative. I do not recommend refusing to sign performance appraisals, even if you disagree. You can simply write “do not agree” beneath your signature.
You have the right to submit a rebuttal if you wish. The Connecticut Personnel Files Act gives employees the right to submit an explanatory statement to their personnel file if they believe it is necessary. If you are fired for submitting such a statement, such termination would be retaliatory and illegal.