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- Half Time Overtime Pay in Connecticut
- Hartford, CT Employee Misclassification Attorney
- Hartford, CT Wage and Hour Law Lawyer
- LATE PAY: Final Paychecks and Accrued Vacation in Massachusetts and Connecticut
- Massachusetts Employer Retaliation Attorney
- Massachusetts Family and Medical Leave Act
- Massachusetts Paid Family Medical Leave
- Massachusetts Sexual Harassment Attorney
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- Massachusetts Minimum Wage Attorney
- Massachusetts Server and Service Worker Minimum Wage and Tips
- Misclassification of Employees as Independent Contractors
- Northampton, MA Wage and Hour Law Attorney
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- Unpaid Overtime Wages Lawyer
- Unpaid Prevailing Wage Lawyer
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- Massachusetts Workplace Harassment Attorney
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- New Haven, Connecticut Family and Medical Leave Act Attorneys
- New Haven, CT Employee Misclassification Attorney
- New Haven, CT Wage and Hour Law Lawyer
- Non-Compete Clauses
- Open Wage & Hour Investigations
- Assistant Managers
- Automobile Damage Appraisers
- Cable Installers
- Cracker Barrel Unpaid Wages Investigation
- Delivery Drivers
- Insurance Underwriters
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- Limousine Drivers
- Local News Reporters
- Mortgage Loan Officers
- Mortgage Loan Underwriters
- Nurses
- Outback Steakhouse Restaurant Unpaid Wages Investigation
- Red Robin Unpaid Wages Investigation
- Servers Waiters Restaurant Employees
- Pending Class Actions
- Adams and Others V Paul Corporation
- Anastopolous v. Whole Foods
- Auclair, Brown and Others Unpaid Wages Lawsuit
- Barnes vs Six Flags Unpaid Wages Lawsuit
- BJ’s Wholesale Club, Inc.,“Mid-Managers” Overtime Lawsuit
- C&L Diners (Denny’s) Server Class Action
- Chicago Sam’s LLC Unpaid Wages Lawsuit
- Chip’s Family Restaurant Unpaid Wages Lawsuit
- Dakota's Server Unpaid Wages Lawsuit
- FedEx Class Action
- Fulfillment Workers in Amazon Warehouses Unpaid Wages Lawsuit
- Guigere and Others Unpaid Wages Lawsuit
- HomeWorks Energy, Inc. Class Action
- Hy’s Livery Service Overtime Lawsuit
- Jani-King, Inc. Misclassification Lawsuit
- Kohl’s Assistant Manager Overtime Lawsuit
- LePage Bakeries “Distributors” Misclassification Lawsuit
- Liberty Homecare Options, LLC. Overnight Home Health Aid Class Action for unpaid Overtime Wages
- Mardi Gras Entertainment
- NEHDS Logistics
- New Country Motor Cars of Greenwich Overtime Lawsuit
- Ocean State Job Lot “Assistant Manager” Overtime Lawsuit
- Ocean State Job Lot Assistant Manager Overtime Case
- Ocean State Job Lot Assistant Manager Overtime Case
- P A F Y, Inc. Overnight Home Health Aid Class Action for Unpaid Overtime Wages
- Reed, Sanchez and Others Unpaid Wages Lawsuit
- Ruby Tuesdays Inc Tip Credit Lawsuit
- Siedel, Wagner and Others Unpaid Wages Lawsuit
- Slider’s Server Unpaid Wages Lawsuit
- Sugar Factory Unpaid Wages Lawsuit
- Target “Executive Team Lead” Overtime Lawsuit
- Waste Pro
- Wood-n-Tap Unpaid Wages Lawsuit
- XPO Last Mile, Inc., “Delivery Drivers” Misclassification Lawsuit
- Reverse Discrimination Lawsuits
- Severance Negotiations
- Springfield, MA Independent Contractor Misclassification Attorney
- Springfield, Massachusetts Domestic Violence Leave Attorneys
- The Effect of the Tipped Minimum Wage on Employees in the U.S. Restaurant Industry
- Unemployment Compensation
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- Construction Project Manager Overtime Wage and Hour Attorney
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- Misclassification of Field Service Technicians & Engineers as Exempt from Overtime Pay
- Unpaid Wages
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- Hartford, CT Sexual Harassment Lawyer
- New Haven, CT Sexual Harassment Attorney
- Northampton, MA Sexual Harassment Attorney
- Sexual Harassment
- Springfield, MA Sexual Harassment Attorney
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- Recent Rulings: Commissions/Bonuses
- Recent Rulings: Defamation
- Recent Rulings: Discrimination
- Recent Rulings: Employer Retaliation
- Recent Rulings: Equal Pay Violations
- Recent Rulings: Family Medical Leave Act (FMLA)
- Recent Rulings: Overtime Claims
- Recent Rulings: Returning Veterans
- Recent Rulings: Severance Negotiations
- Recent Rulings: Sexual Harassment
- Recent Rulings: Unemployment Compensation
- Recent Rulings: Wage and Hour
- Recent Rulings: Wrongful Termination
- HomeWorks Energy Inc. Class Action
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- Westfield Employment Law Attorney
- Northampton Employment Law Attorney
- Massachusetts Whistleblowing Lawyer
- Massachusetts Wrongful Termination Attorney
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- Helping Sexual Abuse Victims Find Justice
- Sexual Harassment and Sex Abuse in Schools
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- Raymond Dinsmore
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- Representative Results 2
- Richard E. Hayber
- Rocky's Hardware Assistant Manager Overtime Lawsuit FAQ
- Ryan B. Guers
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- Disability Discrimination - Failure to Accommodate
- Disability Discrimination – Disparate Treatment
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- Fired for Being a Whistleblower
- Fired for Free Speech
- Hartford Wrongful Termination Attorney
- Massachusetts Workplace Discrimination Attorney
- Massachusetts Wrongful Termination and Defamation Attorney
- Northampton Wrongful Termination Lawyer
- New Haven Wrongful Termination Lawyer
- Termination for Workplace Complaints
- Wrongful Termination For Opposing Illegal Activity
- Wrongful Termination for Whistleblowing
- Settlement Reached in Prevailing Wage Claim in Massachusetts
- Connecticut’s Minimum Wage Goes Up On January 1st: A Comprehensive Guide to Your Rights as an Employee
- Can You Bring a Workplace Harassment Claim for Something Other than Sexual Harassment in Connecticut?
- Female Police Officer in Massachusetts Alleges Retaliation After Reporting Workplace Discrimination
- Can You Get Your Job Back If You are Wrongfully Terminated in Connecticut?
- Connecticut Court Clarifies Bounds of Age Discrimination in Recruitment Case
- Wage and Hour Law: Massachusetts Restaurant Association Files Challenge Against Proposed Ballot Question Over Tipped Worker Minimum Wage
- Workplace Discrimination Claim Filed on Behalf of Connecticut’s First African-American Chief Public Defender
- Bringing a Wrongful Termination for Retaliation in Connecticut? Timing is Key
- Massachusetts Commonwealth Law Bars Discrimination in Employment on Basis of Hairstyles
- Is Workplace Bullying Illegal in Connecticut?
- Were You the Victim of Unpaid Overtime in Connecticut? Five Steps to Protect Your Rights
- Massachusetts Wage & Hour Claims: More than 10,000 Amazon Drivers Seeking Compensation for Unpaid Wages
- Connecticut Court: No Associational Workplace Discrimination Claims Under State Law
- Connecticut Court: No Associational Workplace Discrimination Claims Under State Law
- Connecticut Supreme Court Finds Wrongful Termination—Rules CCSU Must Re-Hire Former Administrator
- Raytheon in Massachusetts Faces Age Discrimination Lawsuit from Former Employee
- Connecticut Workplace Harassment: Employee at Bradley Airport Arrested After Co-Worker’s Sexual Harassment Compliant
- Wage and Hour Rights: Are Call Center Employees Entitled to Overtime Pay?
- Class Action Lawsuit Filed on Behalf of Call Center Employees
- Wage and Hour Watch: DOL Recovers Back Pay, Liquidated Damages for Workers Denied Proper Overtime Pay
- An Overview of Whistleblower Rights
- What Damages Can Be Recovered in a Workplace Sexual Harassment Claim in Massachusetts?
- Can You Be Fired for No Reason At All in Connecticut?
- When Does Workplace Harassment Violate the Law in Massachusetts?
- EEOC Releases Comprehensive Report on Sexual Harassment in the Workplace
- Wage and Hour Rights: Connecticut Department of Labor Issues Final CT FMLA Regulations
- Six Flags New England Sued for Making Workers Wait in Security Line Without Pay
- How Do Employers Steal the Wages of Delivery Drivers?
- Five Signs You are Being Sexually Harassed at Work
- The Top Five Wage Violations in Springfield
- What Constitutes a Hostile Work Environment?
- What Are the Protections for Whistleblowers?
- What Are Class Actions?
- Sexual Harassment is Not Limited to Words
- What Are Unlawful Defamations?
- Wage and Hour Watch: Federal Court Orders Massachusetts Restaurant to Pay More than $340,000 in Back Wages and Liquidated Damages to Workers
- Federal Court Upholds Connecticut State Employer’s Ban on Porn in Workplace on Hostile Work Environment Grounds
- I Was a Victim of Harassment in the Workplace in Connecticut. Do I Have a Legal Claim?
- When Does Failure to Accommodate Constitute Disability Employment Discrimination in Massachusetts?
- How to Make a Formal Legal Complaint for Workplace Sexual Harassment in Connecticut
- Massachusetts Supreme Court: Employee Can Pursue Wrongful Termination Claim for Exercising Rebuttal Rights
- Federal Court: Massachusetts Employer Must Pay $438,000 for Unpaid Overtime
- What Employees Can Expect When Connecticut’s Paid Leave Law Takes Effect January 1st, 2022
- Were You the Victim of Sexual Harassment in the Workplace in Connecticut? Four Steps to Protect Your Legal Rights.
- Wrongful Termination: Three Reasons Why an Employer Cannot Fire You in Connecticut
- Wage and Hour Law: DOL Recovers More than $165,000 in Back Wages for Massachusetts Restaurant Workers
- Can Connecticut Employers Shift Overtime Hours to a Future Workweek?
- What Happens When Sexual Harassment is Perpetrated By a Customer?
- Stonington, CT Will Pay Former Employee $20,000 to Settle Wrongful Termination Claim
- Massachusetts Considering New Wage and Hour Laws for Tipped Workers
- Wage and Hour Law: Connecticut Regulators Recover Nearly $80,000 for Restaurant Workers
- Connecticut Legislators Tout State’s Strong Workplace Sexual Harassment Laws
- What Remedies are Available Through a Wrongful Termination Claim in Massachusetts?
- DOL Obtains Restraining Order Against Connecticut Employers that Retaliated Against Workers Who Cooperated With Wage and Hour Investigation
- Wage and Hour Investigation: Massachusetts Dispensary Will Pay Nearly $300,000 in Back Wage to More than 100 Employees
- Allegations: USPS Improperly Shorted Worker Wages, Unpaid Overtime
- DOL: Massachusetts Employer Allegedly Threatened to Retaliate Against Workers Who Cooperated With Wage and Hour Investigation
- Amazon Workers Entitled To Pay For Time Spent In Security Lines
- As of July 1st, 2021, Employees in Massachusetts May Begin PFML Benefits for “Care of a Family Member”
- Wisconsin Court Rules that Restaurants Owe Back Wages to Servers
- Off The Clock Work – When Is It Compensable?
- What Evidence Can I Use to Prove Sexual Harassment in the Workplace?
- Restaurant Employee Rights in Connecticut: What is the 80/20 Rule?
- Dick’s Sporting Good Assistant Managers Sue for Unpaid Overtime
- Connecticut Extends Workplace Sexual Harassment Training Deadline—But Employees Still Have Enhanced Rights Under the ‘Time’s Up’ Act
- Massachusetts Domestic Workers’ Bill of Rights
- Restaurant Employee Rights: What to Know About Workplace Safety and the Coronavirus
- Misclassification of Independent Contractors – the Gig Economy
- Can a “Joke” Qualify as Sexual Harassment in Connecticut?
- Restaurant Employee Rights: Can I File for Unemployment Benefits If My Hours Were Cut Due to the Coronavirus (COVID-19) Outbreak?
- Emergency Family And Medical Leave Expansion Act
- What Is The Emergency Paid Sick Leave Act?
- Massachusetts Wage Law For Personal Vehicle Use On Non-Commute Work-Related Travel
- Can I Be Fired Because Of The Coronavirus?
- What is Temporal Proximity and How Can It Be Used to Help Prove Wrongful Termination
- Employee Rights: What You Need to Know About Meal and Rest Breaks
- Are there "Harvey Weinsteins" in Connecticut?
- Triple Damages for Unpaid Commissions/Bonuses
- Does Your Employer Have to Pay You For Unused Vacation Time?
- 100% Commission Inside Sales-Persons Entitled To Overtime in Mass!
- Can My Employer Charge Me a Fee to Work?
- Can Employers Refuse to Accommodate a Pregnant Employee
- Can ESPN Fire Jemele Hill?
- Can My Employer Deny Overtime to Claims Adjusters?
- Can My Employer Refuse to Punish Sexually Harassing Coworkers
- Overtime Pay and ‘Mercantile Trade’ Employees
- Can My Employer Pay Me "Half Time Overtime
- Can My Employer Keep Me From Taking Medical Leave?
- Disability Employment Discrimination Failure to Accommodate
- Can My Employer Make Me Come In Early To Boot Up
- Can My Employer Limit the Length of My Pregnancy Leave?
- Can My Employer Limit the Length of My Pregnancy Leave
- Can my Employer Fire me Because of my Migraines?
- Is a CEO's Desire to Attract Young People Age Discrimination
- Is a CEO’s Desire to Attract Young People Age Discrimination?
- Massachusetts Court Rules Workers Entitled to be Paid Unused Vacation Time After Termination
- Can restaurants make servers do side-work for less than minimum wage?
- Can my employer not pay me to put on and take off my protective gear?
- Connecticut Ruby Tuesday Class Action Lawsuit put on Hold Until U.S. Supreme Court Rules
- Can Fox News Be Sued Again, Even Though It Fired Bill O'Reilly (and what is a "falafel thing" anyway)
- Can My Employer Shut Down Our Plant and Lay Everyone Off Without Notice
- Can My Employer Force Me Into Genetic Testing?
- Can My Employer Pressure Me To Break the Law?
- House Bill Seeks To Eliminate Class Actions
- Can my employer make me work a shift that is inconvenient for me?
- Should Connecticut Servers Be Paid The Minimum Wage?
- Does my employer have to pay me to study?
- Can my employer pay me on a 1099?
- Fired Wells Fargo employees claim the bank encouraged them!
- Can You Protest Trump at Work?
- Three Things You Must Know About How President Trump Will Affect Employee Rights
- Wells Fargo fired over 5,000 employees who participated in its scheme to open bank accounts for customers without their permission.
- Can my boss make me work as a free intern?
- Can restaurants make servers clean up?
- Can my boss deny me FMLA leave even if I didn’t mention the FMLA?
- Can my employer take deductions from my pay for insurance and other business expenses?
- Should minor league baseball players get overtime pay?
- Do I get accrued vacation time when my employment ends?
- Obama just changed the overtime laws. Can my employer change me from salaried to hourly?
- State Attorney General Cracks Down on Domino’s Pizza for Wage Theft
- Campaign for Paid Family Leave!
- Hayber, McKenna & Dinsmore Opens New Office in Massachusetts
- Deborah McKenna and Raymond Dinsmore join the Hayber, McKenna & Dinsmore
- Can my employer not pay me to put on and take off my protective gear?
- Can I take paid sick leave in Connecticut even if the FMLA does not apply to me?
- Can my employers reduce me from full time to part time to avoid Obamacare?
- Can my employer make me use my personal phone for business? And if so, should he pay me?
- Can underwriters be denied overtime pay?
- Can I be fired because of my race?
- Connecticut Department of Labor refuses to enforce minimum wage law for servers! Could cost the average server over $5,000 per year in wages!
- Can my employer change me from salary to hourly?
- Can my employer fire me if I make too much money?
- “Managers” must be “in fact in charge” in order to be Exempt Executives, First Circuit holds. Being “in charge” under the FLSA is not merely a label!
- Can I collect unemployment if I am not completely unemployed?
- Can my employer prevent me from suing in court?
- What can I do if my employer cuts my hours or my pay?
- Independent Contractor misclassification in Connecticut: what are the remedies?
- Can my employer use a GPS system to monitor me when I use a vehicle provided by my employer?
- Can nurse or case managers be denied overtime?
- Can I be fired for Facebook posts or "likes"?
- Can I be refused leave from work necessary because of family violence?
- Can my employer make me work on a holiday?
- Free speech in the workplace- can you or can't you?
- Does my boss have to pay me for the time I spend driving to and from a work event?
- If Kim Davis were an employee, could she be fired for refusing to grant marriage licenses to same-sex couples?
- Back to School Edition: Can I be fired or disciplined for leaving work when my kid is sick?
- Can an employer fire me for violating a rule I didn't know about?
- 2015 Changes to the Minimum Wage and Overtime Rules Applying to Home Health Workers
- Bill seeking to prohibit employers from using credit check results as a reason not to hire makes good common sense.
- Can I be paid time off instead of overtime pay when I work more than 40 hours in a week?
- I'm a medical coder. Am I exempt from overtime, or does my employer need to pay me "time and a half" when I work more than 40 hours a week?
- Can my employer refuse to pay me for unused vacation when I leave my job?
- The EEOC Weighs in on Sexual Orientation Discrimination
- Can an employer do a background check before hiring me?
- U.S. Department of Labor provides New Guidance on Independent Contractor/Employee Dichotomy
- Can my city establish a higher minimum wage than other cities in my state?
- Employers Can't Just Run a Background Check on You!
- Paid Family Leave Bill Moving Forward in Connecticut
- Can my employer deny my FMLA request because I messed up the paperwork?
- Hayber, McKenna & Dinsmore and Lichten & Liss-Riordan File Important Motion Against Compass Group!
- When can my employer deny my religious accommodation?
- Did you know? Sales Commissions are Protected like Wages in Connecticut for Some Reps!
- I work on an Indian Reservation. When does tribal law apply to my employment?
- CT Senators Back Bill to Prohibit Non-Competes for Low-Wage Workers
- What fields will be hiring in the future?
- U.S. Supreme Court Rules in Favor of Muslim Job Applicant
- Settlement for Police Officer Fired as a Result of his Mental Disability
- Can I get paid family leave if I or a family member gets seriously ill or injured?
- I'm an insurance underwriter. Can my boss deny me overtime pay?
- Hayber, McKenna & Dinsmore Wins Overtime Wages for Insurance Underwriter!
- Can my boss prohibit me from talking about my pay with other employees?
- The NFL needs to rethink the manner in which it disciplines its employees
- Can my employer make me give up the password to my personal online accounts?
- What are the requirements for my employer to pay me using the "tip credit"?
- Second Circuit Broadens Anti-Retaliation Provisions of Federal Wage Law
- Can my employer cancel my shift before I even get there?
- Outside Sales Exemption from Overtime Pay Not as Simple as You Might Think.
- What's the "Fight for $15?"
- D.C. Court Allows Whistleblower’s Court Case to Proceed!
- My employer's harassment policy requires that I report harassment to a "manager," but it's not clear who that is. What do I have to do to follow the policy?
- New Haven Legal Aid Wins for Unpaid Employees!
- Some Employers Make Employees Pay to Work!
- Can I be disciplined for using my sick days?
- Fresh Market Department Managers Defeat Employer's Motion!
- Connecticut Supreme Court Takes Up Whistleblower Case!
- Am I covered by wage and hour laws if I'm working because a court sentenced me to community service?
- Double Damages for Overtime and Minimum Wage Violations in Connecticut May Soon be Mandatory!
- Can I use my personal email for work purposes?
- Payless Shoes Pays its Managers Less, Settles Case for $2.9 Million
- U.S. Supreme Court Upholds DOL Rule that Mortgage Loan Officers Are Entitled to Overtime Pay
- Can my employer discriminate against me on the direction of a customer or client?
- Can my employer make me provide my personal cell phone number for emergency or after hours work calls?
- Compass Group sued in Collective Action alleging Assistant Managers should have been paid overtime.
- Can I be disciplined for taking time off on short notice to care for my sick child?
- Can I date someone at work? What if my boss buys me roses?
- Can my employer pay me using a pre-paid ATM card?
- Can I be paid a different rate at the same job when I do different work?
- I'm not getting paid for the overtime hours I work, and my employer has a "no-overtime" policy. If I clock out and continue to work, should I still be paid for those hours?
- Federal Court in Massachusetts Dismisses Challenge to GNC’s “Chinese Overtime” Policy – Plaintiffs likely to appeal!
- My employer won't give me a W-2 form so that I can do my taxes. What do I do?
- Are alcoholism and other addictions considered disabilities that my employer has to accommodate?
- Can my employer make me take down a religious display at work?
- Can my employer prevent me from using my work email for personal business?
- U.S. Appeals Court “unravels FedEx’s business model” and rules that drivers are not Independent Contractors
- Can I still claim unpaid overtime if I don't remember exactly how many hours I worked and I didn't keep records?
- Can my boss fire me for having to care for a disabled relative?
- I'm a waitress. Can my boss put bad tippers in my section?
- Can I be fired for divulging my employer's sensitive information if I believe that it is an issue important to the public?
- Can my union place an inflatable rat at my jobsite to publicize a dispute we're having with management?
- Second Circuit allows Insurance Claims Representatives to sue for unpaid overtime!
- Can road races recruit unpaid volunteers to staff the course?
- Court rules against Walsh Construction in overtime case!
- What laws protect my free exercise of religion at work?
- Can my employer make me wait in line for a security screening after I've clocked out?
- Can my employer discriminate against me because it thinks I'm disabled, even if I don't think I am?
- Can my boss prohibit me from speaking a foreign language on the job?
- Walsh Construction being sued by Project Accountants and Administrative Assistants.
- My employer doesn't have any posters with information on employment laws for employees to read. Is that a problem?
- FedEx Ground Drivers are misclassified as Independent Contractors, says Court of Appeals!
- My friend who works in Massachusetts gets overtime when she works on Sundays and holidays. How come I don't?
- Hearing in GNC “half time overtime” case set for November 12, 2014.
- Can my boss fire me because he wants to hire someone whom he can pay less?
- Late paycheck results in FLSA claim!
- Can the Department of Labor help me find a job?
- What is the WARN Act, and what are my employer's obligations under it?
- What is the "prevailing wage?"
- What kind of records does my boss have to keep regarding my employment?
- Can my boss enforce the non-compete I signed?
- Dr. David Weil of the United States Department of Labor listens to employees’ overtime concerns.
- Ocean State Job Lot sued again by its Assistant Managers!
- What happens if my employer files for bankruptcy?
- Can companies get away with all these robo-calls?
- Can I file for bankruptcy if I have a lawsuit going against my employer?
- What happens if I've taken all of my paid time off but I have an emergency and can't work?
- Can my boss be really mean to me?
- Family Dollar settles another Store Manager overtime case!
- Can my boss fire me for testifying about misconduct in the workplace?
- Pepsi sued for paying Chinese Overtime to its workers
- Can my employer take money out of my paycheck if I make a mistake?
- Can I sue for unpaid wages if my employer has already been subject to a DOL investigation?
- My job is closed FOR A DAY due to an emergency. Do I get paid?
- Can a potential employer revoke a job offer based on the results of a medical exam?
- Why can't I sue my employer if I get hurt on the job?
- McJobs Are Not The Answer!
- Can my boss make me share my tips?
- Can I be punished for protesting against something my boss says that I believe is wrong?
- Why are wage / hour class actions important?
- Can my employer make an agreement with other employers in my field not to solicit each others' employees?
- Class Action Representative Plaintiff wins $3 million retaliation case!
- Inside Sales employees: how is overtime calculated?
- Can my boss pay me commissions for inside sales, but no overtime?
- Inside Sales Exemption: what are the rules?
- What accommodations does my employer have to make for me if I'm pregnant?
- Massachusetts Family Dollar Store Managers allowed to Sue for Overtime Wages in State Court.
- Can I be fired for reporting potential securities fraud?
- Hey! I'm a college athlete! Can I join a union?
- Can my boss decide to take away my bonus based on purely subjective factors?
- Can my boss fire me or take another adverse action against me for complaining about an unsafe workplace?
- Can my former employer refuse to pay my settlement proceeds from my employment case for telling my daughter about the settlement?
- Can my employer pay me cash to avoid payroll taxes?
- Can Sports Teams Pay Cheerleaders, Minor League Players, Clubhouse Managers, and Video Operators Less than Minimum Wage?
- Can my boss deny me a lunch break?
- Can employers post job advertisements stating that unemployed candidates will not be considered?
- Are auto damage appraisers entitled to overtime pay?
- BJ’s sued a third time for same wage violation!
- Fresh Market “Chinese Overtime” Challenged in Court! Plaintiffs move for notice to go out to class of Department Managers.
- Can my employer pay me commissions instead of overtime?
- Progressive Appraisers - Are they entitled to Overtime wages?
- I have to take business trips for my job. Should I be paid for this time?
- Do I have to give two weeks' notice if I quit my job?
- Can my boss make me work extra while's he's away on a sunny vacation?
- Can my boss tell me I can't take FMLA leave?
- Can my employer deduct money from my paycheck if I take an advance?
- What can I do if my employer says something about me that isn't true?
- Limo drivers entitled to overtime, says US DOL and some lawsuits!
- Hanukkah edition: what can I do if my boss promises me eight days of work but only employs me for one?
- What Can I Do If My Employer Cuts My Hours or My Pay?
- Can My Boss Retaliate Against Me for Striking?
- Lady Gaga's Assistant Sues for Overtime Pay
- What Can I Do If I'm Being Harassed at Work?
- Personnel File and Your Rights
- Limousine Drivers and Overtime
- Unpaid Interns and Sexual Harassment
- Government Shutdown's Effect on Employees
- Termination Based on Wages
- Legality of Biometric Scanners
- Home Care Workers and Minimum Wage, Overtime
- Charging a Fee for Coming to Work
- Payless Sued in Pennsylvania for paying only "half time" overtime!
- Exotic Dancers ruled employees, not independent contractors!
- Non-compete Contract When Companies Merge
- An Employment Lawyer’s Reflections this Labor Day Weekend
- Taking Time Off for Sick Child
- Connecticut "wage police" collect $6.5 million for workers!
- Fast food workers strike!
- Prevented from Taking Class Action to Court
- Inadequate Harassment Training
- Fired for Gaining Weight
- Class Actions are Good! Joe Nocera is Wrong!
- Babysitter Employment Rights
- Cable Installers are employees (not independent contractors)!
- Fired for Being Attractive
- Working With Someone Who Assaulted You
- Displaying an American Flag at Work
- Paying Wages With Debit Card
- State Court cases against Family Dollar rolling along!
- Couriers as Independant Contractors
- Federal Judge in Connecticut Rules CAD Drafter Entitled to Overtime
- Connecticut's Minimum Wage Still Behind Where it Should Be.
- Application of Unemployment Benefits
- Paid Time Off Versus Overtime
- Office Depot's Overtime Scheme violates Federal Law!
- Early End for Shift
- Genesis Healthcare Corp. v. Symczyk: A ruling that will never be used?
- When you were a kid, you may have heard threats about bad behavior going on your “permanent record.”
- Required Credit Report
- Disclosure of Background Check Report
- Domino’s Pizza Drivers Reach $2.5 Million Tentative Settlement for Violations of Fair Credit Reporting Act (“FCRA”)
- Connecticut Court Certifies Class Action for Assistant Managers at Ocean State Job Lot!
- TD Bank Underwriter Overtime Case Heads to Mediation!
- Family Dollar being sued in State Courts by Store Managers - avoiding the 4th Circuit!
- Required Health Screening
- Workers aren't "bottom feeders."
- Caring for an Older Disabled Child
- Using a Lie Detector Test to Find Missing Property
- Outsourcing Your Own Job
- TD Bank sued for overtime by Loan Underwriters!
- Are insurance underwriters entitled to overtime pay?
- Overtime for Underwriters
- Mortgage underwriters winning overtime cases from coast to coast!
- Overtime for Nurses
- Termination Based on Voting
- Denial of Meal Breaks
- Pro-Union Button Limit
- Discipline for Inquiring about Coworkers Salaries
- Lifeguard Fired for Saving Drowning Man
- U.S. Supreme Court sides with Pharma Industry! What a surprise!
- Required Flu Vaccine
- Fired While Out on Disability
- Underwriters sue Peoples United Bank for overtime wages in Class Action!
- Hayber, McKenna & Dinsmore Facebook Page
- Fired for Being a Witness in Criminal Case
- Termination for Not Working Overtime
- Facebook Log-In Privacy
- Length of Pregnancy Leave
- Miami Marlins Manager Suspended for Castro remarks
- Overtime Denial for Loan Officers
- Termination Due to Safety Concerns at Nursing Facility
- Tip Credit for Restaurants
- Denial of Unemployment Based on Emails
- Termination Due to Affair
- Required Maternity Leave
- Legality of Unpaid Interns
- Professor Fired Over Grade
- Deloitte & Touche sued by auditors. Court authorizes notice to class!
- Different Overtime Rates
- Overtime for Mortgage Loan Officers
- Second Circuit Applies Burlington Northern to FMLA (and other great rulings)!
- JoePa Termination Case
- Erick Diaz Announcement
- Connecticut Federal Judge Rejects "Chinese Overtime"
- Termination After Birth of Baby
- Billionaire owner of Gristedes grocery stores held personally liable for wages!
- Third Circuit: Employer Can’t Moot Collective Action with Offer of Judgment
- Returning soldier loses job – loses lawsuit. Second Circuit affirms.
- Refusing to Lie at Work
- Second Circuit narrows Garcetti!
- Leave Provided for Domestic Violence Situations
- Homophobic Harrassment in the Workplace
- Wage / Hour class actions: Dead or Alive?
- When is a Manager not a Manager?
- Payment For Servers Only in Tips
- Restaurants must pay minimum wage, even when on Beer Tub duty!
- The death of wage hour class actions might have been exaggerated!
- New Legislation for Paid Sick Days
- The end of wage / hour class actions?
- Workplace Causes Illness
- Service Animals in the Workplace
- False Information in Personnel File
- Right to Class Action Suit
- Gender Discrimination Suit Against Walmart
- Retaliation for Overtime Complaint
- Alternate Overtime System
- Lawsuit challenges "Chinese Overtime" in Connecticut
- Fired for Bumper Sticker
- U.S. Chamber of Commerce ranks Connecticut "poor" because of employee friendly laws.
- State's Right to Modify Collective Bargaining Rights
- Termination for Stopping Robbery
- Termination for Political Opinion
- Sports Team Support Cause for Termination
- Termination in Adrian Peterson Issue
- Retaliation Due to Lawsuit
- NYPD retaliates against FLSA overtime plaintiff!
- Replacement During Medical Leave
- Being Forced to Quit Versus Being Fired
- Jury Awards $1,000,000 but judge takes away punitives!
- Unsafe Conditions at Work
- Facebook negative comments about boss protected speech, says NLRB!
- Social Media Privacy
- Termination for not Writing
- Pharmaceutical Reps sue Lupin for unpaid overtime!
- Overtime for Inside Salesperson
- Inappropriate Behavior is Grounds for Termination
- Quitting a Job and Unemployment
- Refusal of Overtime Pay to Pharmaceutical Reps
- Forced Overtime
- BREAKING NEWS: 2d Circuit rules Rx Reps Get Overtime!
- Court rules Fed Ex Ground Drivers are Employees!
- Company Dissolution and Due Wages
- Confidentiality clauses may be a thing of the past!
- Walmart managers must stack 50 pound bags of dog food?
- Operations Managers sue United Rentals, Inc.
- Family Dollar sued in Connecticut (and elsewhere!)
- Interview Questions to Watch Out For
- Boston Market sued for overtime by Assistant Managers
- Morgan v. Family Dollar an imporant case for retail managers!
- Franken Amendment signed into law!
- Assistant Store Manager sues Ocean State Job Lot
- Supporting the Federal Employment Non-Discrimination Act
- Underwriters Entitled to Overtime
- Keeping Informed on Arbitration Issues in Congress
- You Be the Judge 3
- Home Depot Assistant Managers Fight for Overtime
- You Be the Judge 2
- "Fired!" Places Unemployment in a New Perspective
- You Be the Judge
- David Lopez Serving as EEOC General Counsel
- Rising Unemployment Connecticut Trend
- The Rights to Telecommute
- Franken anti-arbitration amendment passes Senate
- Swine Flu Vaccine Requirement
- Dow passes 10,000, fails to help workers!
- Sexual Harassment at CBS
- Wage violations rampant among low wage workers!
- Third Circuit holds gender stereo typing helps gay workers!
- Gay man wins gender stereo-typing case at 3d Circuit!
- CVS sued again by more Assistant Store Managers!
- Federal judge allows waiver of collective action claims!
- CVS Assistant Store Manager Overtime case moving along
- Connecticut loses 4,800 jobs in June!
- CVS Pharmacy, Inc. sued in Texas for Overtime violations!
- Town of Greenwich held liable for race discrimination
- U.S. Supreme Court's Age case won't hurt here in Connecticut
- U.S. Supreme Court Ruling on Discriminatory Nature of Test
- Men accused of sexual harassment can sue!
- Paycheck Fairness Act in U.S. Senate. Keep your fingers crossed!
- Pharmaceutical Sales Reps at issue again!
- Connecticut Supreme Court reverses Lyon v. Jones! Yipee!!
- New Haven Fire Fighters case triggers debate
- Suit Filed Against CVS
- More Assistant Managers win overtime claims!
- Schering "sales reps" entitled to overtime!!
- Federal Judge calls FLSA suits "nuisance!!"
- Accomodating Disabilities in the Workplace
- AIG Executives' Right to Bonuses
- Can AIG avoid paying out retention bonuses?
- Short-Term Disability Leave
- Are bonuses wages? - Part III
- CVS sued in Connecticut for overtime violations
- Qualifying for Unemployment
- Last Chance Agreements can't release future claims!
- Legality of Love Contracts
- Staples New Jersey Assistant Managers win $2.5 million in overtime lawsuit. Is Connecticut next?
- Termination Due to Absence
- Termination Due to Pregnancy
- Too many retail employers take advantage of "Managers"
- Too many people without insurance!
- Family Dollar Stores to pay $35,000,000 to Store Managers for back overtime!
- Refusing to Work Seven Days a Week
- Fex Ex agress to pay $27 million to California drivers. Are Connecticut drivers next?
- Class actions well suited to help enforce employee rights
- Termination Due to Economy
- Bonuses are wages says the Appellate Court!
- I just got a pink slip. Now what do I do?
- Appellate court permits fitness for duty exam for "stressed out" employee.
- Connecticut Supreme Court rules for employees again!
- Connecticut's Wage Law behind the times
- Supreme Court Affirms Vollemans v. Town of Wallingford!
- Rights to Bonus if Terminated
- Speaking Other Languages to Customers
- Reaching a Compromise to Help Whistleblowers in Federal Agencies
- Termination Without Cause
- Connecticut Legislature Overrides Rell's Veto of Minimum Wage Increase
- Signing a Performance Review
- Right to Refuse Drug Test
- My Blog
- Caucasion has prima facie case of gender, race and age discrimination.
- Proposed Bill Gives Connecticut workers more sick leave rights.
- Connecticut Supreme Court expands rights of disabled workers.
- Necessity of a Pink Slip
- Unused Vacation Time
- Employee Access to Personnel Files
- Enforcing Non-competition Clauses