Hartford Wage and
Hour Law Lawyer
At Hayber, McKenna & Dinsmore, LLC, our Hartford wage and hour law lawyers are committed to protecting the rights and interests of employees. We represent people who were denied the full wages and benefits that they earned through their hard work. Were your wage and hour rights violated? We are standing by, ready to get started on your case. Call our Hartford law office at (860) 522-8888 to set up a confidential, no obligation consultation with a Connecticut wage and hour attorney.
We Handle All Types of Wage and Hour Cases in Hartford, CT
Wage and hour laws help to ensure that all employees receive their full pay and full benefits for the time they spend at work. Sadly, employers do not always make things easier for workers. At Hayber, McKenna & Dinsmore, LLC, our employment lawyers have the skills and knowledge to represent clients in all types of wage and hour claims in Connecticut. Our firm also has experience bringing claims under the federal Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA). Along with other types of employment law cases, our Hartford wage and hour lawyers can assist you with:
Failure to Pay Overtime›
Our law firm has handled a wide range of unpaid overtime claims. Under FLSA, employers are required to pay overtime wages to all non-exempt employees who work overtime hours in a given pay period. In some cases, employers improperly classify workers as overtime exempt. If you or your loved one was denied full overtime pay in Hartford, our wage and hour lawyer can help.
Worker Misclassification Claims›
We have deep experience representing employees in worker misclassification cases. Unfortunately, some companies wrongfully classify workers as contractors to avoid paying full wages or benefits. To be clear, employers do not have a unilateral right to classify workers however they wish. Connecticut law sets clear standards that determine whether or not an individual is an employee or an independent contractor.
Unpaid Wages›
Connecticut law sets strict standards for paying wages in full, without any unwarranted delay. Unpaid or unreasonably delayed wages could be cause to bring a legal claim against a company. If your employer shorted you on pay, our Hartford wage and hour attorneys can help.
Minimum Wage Violations›
All employees are owed a minimum wage. Unfortunately, in a number of different scenarios, businesses and organizations improperly underpay workers in violation of state or federal minimum wage standards. If you believe your rights were violated, reach out to our Connecticut employment attorneys for guidance.
You might be worried that filing a wage and hour complaint could be used against you by your company. Please know that such conduct is illegal. All employees have the right to informally report wage and hour violations or to file an official legal complaint. It is unlawful for your company to punish you simply because you asserted your rights. If you faced any type of punishment or retribution for reporting a wage and hour complaint, contact our Hartford employer retaliation attorneys as soon as possible.
You Can Trust Our Hartford, CT Wage and Hour Lawyers
Wage and hour law is complicated. If you are uncertain or unclear about your rights, you are certainly not alone. Many people have questions about what steps they need to take. At Hayber, McKenna & Dinsmore, LLC, we strive to provide employees with the insight and representation they need to get the best possible outcome. When you call our Hartford employment law team, you will have an opportunity to consult with a wage and hour attorney who will:
Listen to your story and answer your legal questions;
Investigate the case—securing the evidence you need; and
Take whatever action is necessary to get you the full and fair wages you earned.
You deserve to be paid the full amount that you were promised by your employer and/or guaranteed under state or federal law. When companies or organizations unfairly underpay employees, they must be held accountable. Our Hartford, CT wage and hour lawyers will handle your case with a personal touch.
Contact Our Hartford Wage and Hour Attorneys for Help
At Hayber, McKenna & Dinsmore, LLC, our Connecticut employment lawyers have the skills and knowledge to represent you in the full range of wage and hour claims. We are strong, passionate advocates for worker rights. To schedule a confidential appointment with a top attorney, please contact our Hartford office at (860) 522-8888. We handle wage and hour cases throughout Hartford County, including in New Britain, Bristol, Manchester, Enfield, Bloomfield, Windsor, and West Hartford.