Minimum Wage
As of January 1, 2021, the minimum fair wage in Massachusetts is $13.50 per hour. By January 1, 2023, the minimum fair wage will increase to $15.00. The vast majority of workers in Massachusetts must be paid at least the minimum wage for all hours worked.
The exceptions to this rule are very narrow. Tipped and Service Employees can be paid as little as $5.55 per hour ($6.75 per hour starting on January 1, 2023), provided that the employee earns at least the minimum fair wage when their service rate is combined with their tips, and the employer doesn’t otherwise violate the Tip Pooling Statute. Likewise, certain “employees in training,” agricultural workers, and outside salespersons can be paid less than the minimum fair wage under Massachusetts law.
Employers who violate their duty to pay the minimum fair wage can be liable for three times the wages owed plus reasonable attorney’s fees and costs. If you were not fully compensated at least with minimum wage, contact us today. With offices located in Springfield and Northampton, we serve all of western Massachusetts.